Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I Cannot Believe I'm Wasting Precious NaNo Time on This

Warning: The following is a rant. Deal with it or stop reading.

However, it's probably not the rant you're expecting.

I've already spoken my displeasure about this whole joint venture with BSB. I'm done talking about. I firmly believe in my reasons for disliking this arrangement. Woven with the frustration of having to share which I'm just not good at in general, my dislike comes from a place of concern for our boys and the fact that this is an injustice to them. But that's their choice, and since they've made it, I'm going to respect it.

My problem? Is with some of the shit I'm reading on my timeline.

First, and foremost: To the people threatening to unfollow people who express dissent about the path that has been laid out before us.

Go for it.

No, really. If the fact that we disagree on something this trivial is worthy of unfollowing me? Go for it. I follow very few people on Twitter comparatively. As a consequence, if I do follow you, know that I consider you a friend. There are people I consider friends that I don't follow right now because I can't even keep up with my own @replies lately. So go for it. Unfollow me and I'll do the same to you. I'll put a new friend in your place. Because really? If the fact that I don't kiss our boys' asses for every decision they made means I'm intolerable to you, then we're not really friends anyway. My feelings will be hurt (really they already are-that's kind of the point of this), but I'll get over it. I still have my Sisters to support me.

If I only followed people who agreed with me I'd only be following Jewish Conservatives in sub-rural North Carolina. In other words? I'd only be following myself. Diversity is a great thing. Debate is a great thing. And most importantly, our freedom to disagree with each other and still respect each other is a fucking fantastic thing.

If you can't hang, don't hang. Go ahead and click that unfollow button, baby. I'll be hurt, but I'll get over it. Unlike you, I respect your right to disagree with me. And I'm not going to threaten you into silence to keep you around. I respect our differences as much if not more than our similarities.

Second: to those posting the ridiculous "if you don't like it, don't buy a ticket," tweets: Come on. Really? I mean REALLY? I'm not going to tell you to shut the fuck up because I respect your right to have an opinion that differs from mine. But really? How does discouraging fans from supporting the guys help anyone?

If I stopped supporting these men when I disagreed with a decision they made this resurgence (I think we're at the point where we can safely stop referring to it as a reunion now) would have ended for me when Joe brought out that Obama pumpkin at the Charlotte show in 2008. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with decisions that they make-provided that we do so in a way that isn't slanderous. And as consumers (and to a certain extent that's what we are to them) we have the right to raise concerns if we're dissatisfied with their product.

Let's face it-we're going to be the ones to fill those seats. The BSB cruise has been on sale for six months and there are still cabins available. And they're not even renting out the entire ship. Don't discourage other Blockheads from attending a show. That's just silly, petty nonsense. I mean, wouldn't you rather the venue be filled with Sistahs than....whatever the fuck their fans are called?

At the end of the day we're supposed to be a family, right? So in my opinion that blonde kid who talks too much and the other one with the drug problem are the third cousins I don't talk to except for at funerals, and at other family functions I pretend not to know them. We're still family. (though I couldn't tell you what their names are even if there was money involved.)

I have no problem agreeing to disagree on this. However, rather than telling the people who disagree with me to stop supporting our boys or threatening to cut them off for their dissent, I'm putting it in this blog. Then I'm done with it. I respect your right to disagree with me. Respect my right to disagree with you. Or don't. I have no control over that whatsoever.

Like that Wahlberg kid says, "In the darkest of times we've managed to have the best of times." We're all in this boat together now. Let's make the best of it.

The Omegas have spoken. But don't think for a second that one of those posers is stepping a toe inside The Pact. That? Is my decision.

Now? Back to the Riddlah Pants...

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